Gulf societies
in the energy transition era
Social Contract
Youth fear the energy transition would imply a gradual demise of the Gulf Arab states' generous unique welfare system that is until today the primary vehicle for governments to redistribute a significant share of oil and gas revenues.
A universal basic income in the Gulf? - Le Temps, Switzerland.
Is Oman’s wide-reaching social welfare system and model of governance about to shift? - Al-Monitor, United States.
The Covid-19 master shock - Newsweek, United States.

It wasn't long ago that Gulf Arab states were actively promoting ultra-conservative interpretations of Islam. But times are changing and the region is forced into a comprehensive rethink of its core values. Will economic liberalisation be mirrored by religious liberalisation?

As Gulf states renegotiate the role of religion in their societies, what Saudi Arabia and UAE's liberal Islam means? - Haaretz, Israel.
In Qatar, Christianity grows on the fringes, The New Arab, UK.
Kuwait's parliament Islamist opposition voices raise concerns over liberal megaproject Silk City - Al-Monitor, United States.
'Identity crisis' in Kuwait's streets, Middle East Eye, UK.
The fight of Saudi women entrepreneurs to overcome cultural conditioning - Al-Monitor, United States.
The Covid-19 economic downturn presents the biggest test for women in business - Asia Times, Hong Kong.
Omani women seek greater space in politics, TV5 Monde, France.
During the GCC crisis, the region missed a chance to grant women full citizenship rights - Al-Monitor, United States
Experts have long called for reforming education systems in the Gulf to develop critical thinking among the youth. According to the World Bank, “teaching methodologies remain teacher-centered,” mirroring top-down centered Gulf societies. Innovation‐driven education systems are vital to diversifying Gulf economies beyond oil and gas revenues.

Cultural Change
Gulf governments have actively promoted national unity over a constellation of identities scattered across the region to craft national identities. In the energy transition era, what place for ancestral know-how and local traditions?

Oman’s national unity racks up high cultural costs as rich linguistic diversity falls silent- Al-Monitor, United States.